29 research outputs found

    Cart-O-matic project : autonomous and collaborative multi-robot localization, exploration and mapping

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    International audienceThe aim of the Cart-O-matic project was to design and build a multi-robot system able to autonomously map an unknown building. This work has been done in the framework of a French robotics contest called Defi CAROTTE organized by the General Delegation for Armaments (DGA) and the French National Research Agency (ANR). The scientific issues of this project deal with Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM), multi-robot collaboration and object recognition. In this paper, we will mainly focussed on the two first topics : after a general introduction, we will briefly describe the innovative simultaneous localization and mapping algorithm used during the competition. We will next explain how this algorithm can deal with multi-robots systems and 3D mapping. The next part of the paper will be dedicated to the multi-robot pathplanning and exploration strategy. The last section will illustrate the results with 2D and 3D maps, collaborative exploration strategies and example of planned trajectories

    DIATELIC : une expérience de télésurveillance de dialysés à domicile

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    Colloque avec actes et comité de lecture.Diatélic est un système de télésurveillance de dialysés à domicile par la technique de DPCA (Dialyse Péritonéale Continue Ambulatoire). Il a été développé par le LORIA en coopération avec les médecins de l'ALTIR et un médecin conseil. l'objectif premier de Diatélic est de prévenir les aggravations de santé des patients en détectant au plus tôt les anomalies d'évolutions de certains paramètres. Alors que certains systèmes de télésurveillance détectent les alarmes ou les alertes dès leur occurrence, Diatélic estime l'état des patients pour prévenir les alarmes qui peuvent être causes de mortalité, mais dans tous les cas au moins causes de transports médicalisés et souvent d'hospitalisation à un stade de risque plus élevé et plus onéreux. Ce système est testé techniquement depuis juin 1998 et est actuellement en cours d'expérimentation médicale selon les règles de l'art après avis favorable du CCPPRB de Lorraine. Cet article présente cette expérimentation selon le plan suivant. Nous rappelons (§2) l'historique et les motivations qui ont conduit au développement de ce système. La thérapeutique considérée jusqu'alors, à savoir la Dialyse Péritonéale Continue Ambulatoire, est rapidement présentée (§3), de façon à mettre en évidence les risques encourus et les paramètres à surveiller. Le système est ensuite brièvement décrit (§4) pour illustrer l'importance du système intelligent de détection d'alertes

    Real-time problem-solving with contract algorithms

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    This paper addresses the problem of building an interruptible real-time system using contract algorithms. Contract algorithms offer a tradeoff between computation time and quality of results, but their run-time must be determined when they are activated. Many AI techniques provide useful contract algorithms that are not interruptible. We show how to optimally sequence contract algorithms to create the best interruptible system with or without stochastic information about the deadline. These results extend the foundation of real-time problemsolving and provide useful guidance for embedding contract algorithms in applications

    Optimal sequencing of contract algorithms

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    Article dans revue scientifique avec comité de lecture. internationale.International audienceWe address the problem of building an interruptible real-time system using non-interruptible components. Some artificial intelligence techniques offer a tradeoff between computation time and quality of results, but their run-time must be determined when they are activated. These techniques, called contract algorithms, introduce a complex scheduling problem when there is uncertainty about the amount of time available for problem-solving. We show how to optimally sequence contract algorithms to create the best possible interruptible system with or without stochastic information about the deadline. These results extend the foundation of real-time problem-solving and provide useful guidance for embedding contract algorithms in applications

    A decision support system for the monitoring of patients treated by hemodialysis based on a bayesian network

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    Abstract: Telemedicine is a mean of facilitating the distribution of human resources and professional competences. It can speed up diagnosis and therapeutic care delivery and allow peripheral healthcare providers to receive continuous assistance from specialized centers. The need of specialized human resources becomes critical with the aging of the population. The treatment of renal failure is an example where telemedicine can help to increase care quality. Over the last decades Bayesian networks has become a popular representation for encoding uncertain expert knowledge. Dynamic Bayesian networks are an extension of Bayesian networks for modeling dynamic processes. We developed a dynamic Bayesian network adapted to the monitoring of the dry weight of patients suffering from chronic renal failure treated by hemodialysis. An experimentation conducted at dialysis units indicated that the system is reliable and gets the approbation of its users

    ParCeL-3: A Parallel Programming Language Based on Concurrent Cells and Multiple Clocks

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    This article introduces a new parallel language for modern MIMD parallel computers: ParCeL-3. Its computing model is based on cells, sort of ultra-light processes, and on the definition of multiple clocks to manage the cells. It allows to use several parallel programming paradigms to implement the cell communications, as message passing and memory sharing, depending of the algorithm need. This new computing model leads to a natural parallelization of Artificial Intelligence applications, in order to decrease both execution times and parallel development time overheads